Live Painting Packages
Package A
18x24 | $2000
Package B
24x24 | $2500
Package C
24x30 | $3000
Travel Fees/Shipping:
Generally, any drive longer than about 4 hours from Wilmington, NC, will require a flight and lodging for a night and can add up to an extra $1200 to the package price. Details for travel fare can be discussed after an inquiry form has been submitted. Shipping is also an added cost that can be paid once the painting is finished and ready to deliver. Shipping + shipping insurance (highly recommended) can add up to an extra $80 to the package price.
All Packages Include:
Unlimited studio hours (touch ups)
All materials (cost of canvas, paint, varnish)
6-8 hours of live on-site painting
Thorough consultation prior to event
Travel up to 150 miles from Wilmington, NC
Varnish for color vibrance and age protection
** packages do not include guests, asking for additional subject features may be extra charge**